my mama (Poem)

Note: Natalia wrote this poem for her mom, and read it to her on her last birthday on November 23, 2023.

by Natalia Naugle

In laughter's echo, my mind's delight,

Her smile, a landscape painted in light.

Magic within, her presence emanates,

Utterly incandescent, the love she bestows.

Generous in every way, grace imbued in every stride,

Through life's challenges, side by side.

More than words can convey,

An adventurer in life's intricate ballet.

Tears may fall, but joy takes its place,

In her beauty, unchanging grace.

The bravest woman, relentless and strong,

In pursuit of God, a lifelong song.

Through storms and calm, a steady guide,

In her embrace, fears subside.

So here's to her, my compass true,

In the vast sea of life, she’s guiding this crew.


An Unanswered Prayer


Reflections from Brigitta