Steadfast, Immovable, Abounding

Note: Francesca wrote and read this for the Memorial Service on January 12 2024.

by Francesca Naugle

One of my favorite ways to spend time with my mom was our many hour long debriefs. She had this innate ability to listen and make you feel incredibly heard. I decided to share about my mom in the form of one of these debriefs. A debrief on the impact her faith has had. 

Mom, I love you so much it hurts. I never understood your faith until recently. A woman so greatly suffering, with the most insane, joyful smile. You are my most tangible example of the Lord’s faithfulness and the way He provides. He filled you with the highest levels of strength and tolerance and patience. Your faithfulness to Him shines through everyday I got to spend with you. You have always been slow to speak and quick to listen. I recall one day I came home all up in a tizzy because things were simply not going my way. I walked in to find you on the couch, working as I usually did. You looked up at me with the biggest smile and asked the question you asked everyday “How was your day?” The most simple question became the biggest reflection of your care. With every pain, diagnosis, season of waiting, scan, simple joy, trial, trivial argument, YOU remained immovable.

1-2 days before you left, I asked you whether or not you were scared to die. You looked at me, smiled, and simply said “no.” You are my reminder to ever abide in Him. A week or so after you left, my dad sent me a video I had never seen before. The video was of you and I at a coffee shop talking. Nothing was different or unique about this moment, except that it captured one of my favorite things to do with you. And that was to enjoy the little moments. There was this funky song playing and you immediately started to bop your head and dance. I immediately joined in. You made enjoying life so easy. And it was through this joy of living you had constantly, that I was able to see with my own two eyes the power of everlasting joy and peace you had because of the Father.

You always focused on the true characteristics of our God. How He is love. He is selfless, sacrificial, kind, gentle, fierce, merciful, and judicial. And so much more. You showed me the beauty and light found in our Creator, even when you were engulfed by darkness. You never shied away from a smile or a dance or a laugh, not even in your darkest moments. To me, you showed the true peace and satisfaction only found in Jesus. You painted such a beautiful picture for all 5 of us. And everyone else you touched. No matter the situation, you knew your suffering could never be in vain.

I often had to ask you how you were really doing. You didn’t like to complain or tell us about your suffering. You only wanted to see us smile and succeed and have faith. You didn’t need to speak on your faith, it already shone through, but you still did. A couple years ago, I came to you with my thoughts as I often do. My mind runs all places and you could always get it to slow down. You shared with me one of the first verses you ever memorized. Proverbs 1:15, “my son, do not walk in the way with them; hold back your foot from their paths,” You told me to learn it. To recite it. Write it on the tablet of my heart. Now, I think of the tablet of your heart. It must be so full and beautiful with the Word. One of my favorite facts about you is how your birthday is always near or right on Thanksgiving. It has always served as a reflection of the person you have been. A person always grateful. No matter the circumstances. Always selfless no matter the circumstance. You showed me how the Lord carries us through every hardship and every valley. No matter the depth.

A couple weeks before you left, I asked you what you would always want the 5 of us to know and you said “The biggest thing is to just always be walking with the Lord, seeking, seek to know Him, seek to question things, and that you always have community, friends and family… that will get you far.” You advised us to do exactly what you have always tried to do. Always. Thank you for being an incredibly tangible example of being “steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” Thank you for being the best example. In every aspect.

I love you Mama


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